The Dos and Don’ts of Yacht Charter Etiquette

Before you head off on your yacht charter vacation, take the time to familiarize yourself with the Dos and Don’ts of yacht charter etiquette. By following these general rules, you can make your next chartering trip a pleasant experience for you, your family, your friends, and the crew.

Do Be Kind to the Crew

While you relax and party, the crew works behind the scenes to ensure your vacation goes off without a hitch. Without them, your yacht charter vacation wouldn’t be possible, so be sure to treat them kindly and give them a big, warm “Thank you!” when you have the chance.

Do Be Safe

At the start of your trip, the crew will brief you on safety rules and regulations. An accident can quickly put an end to your vacation, so make sure to listen during the briefing so you know how to keep yourself safe on- and off-deck.

Do Be Clear About Dietary Preferences

Before you board the yacht, communicate your dietary preferences. Make sure everyone has a say in what they request to have aboard when completing the charter preferences.

Do Look After Your Children at All Times

Make sure to look after your children at all times. The crew is not there to babysit and no one will take the liability of watching your children around the water. Bring a nanny if you need a break from the kids!

Do Treat the Yacht Like it’s Your Own

It’s okay to be a little messy. No one’s going to be mad that you left clothes on your cabin floor or accidentally spilled a drink. Treat the yacht like it’s your own boat. Remember, you expected it to be in perfect condition and so Do the next guests.

Do Pack Lightly

Whatever you set out to pack, HALF IT! During the daytime, you may be in your swimsuits only and in the evening a t-shirt is good enough. The yacht has no dress code! If you like to go to some of the posher places, resort chic is more appropriate! Soft-sided luggage is best as the yacht has limited space for hard shell suitcases, and often you only have cabinets and drawers for storage, rather than a traditional closet.

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